Practice Areas


Legal Services for Nonprofit and Tax-exempt Organizations

Caritas Law Group regularly serves as outside general counsel to tax-exempt and nonprofit organizations. We also represent donors with respect to significant gifts, and socially responsible companies with respect to cause-marketing arrangements and corporate giving strategies.

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Learn more about our practice areas.


  • Feeder Organizations

    At Caritas Law Group, we talk to prospective nonprofit founders every day. They often ask about what activities qualify for tax exemption and what does not. Interesting discussions often arise when it comes to defining the term “charitable.” One common misconception is that someone can start an ordinary for-profit business, donate its profits to an

  • Nonprofit Governance: Board Diversity Reporting

    In today’s increasingly complex social and political landscape, nonprofit organizations are under pressure to strengthen their governance practices—and one key area of focus is board diversity reporting. Diverse boards, made up of individuals with varying backgrounds, races, genders, and perspectives, are essential to ensuring that nonprofits fulfill their mission of serving diverse communities effectively. However,

  • Charity Care in Nonprofit Hospitals and Government Oversight

    Charity care in nonprofit hospitals, a cornerstone of their tax-exempt status, is under increasing scrutiny from both state and federal regulators. The central question is whether nonprofit hospitals are truly providing sufficient charity care to the communities they serve in exchange for their significant tax breaks. While many hospitals meet minimum requirements, there are concerns