Tax-Exempt Bond Financing

We help charter schools simplify and speed up the process surrounding tax-exempt bond financing, real estate acquisition, and construction.

Charter schools serve more than three million students throughout the nation, but they don’t have access to the same financing structures as district schools.

The attorneys at Caritas Law Group can help charter school leaders as they work toward financing the acquisition and improvement of their facilities to:

What is a tax-exempt bond?

Tax-exempt means that the interest component of bond debt service payments is exempt from federal and sometimes state and local income taxes for the bondholder. Tax-exempt bonds generally offer lower interest rates and longer tenors than most taxable bonds, making them a well-suited and attractive means of financing charter school property acquisition or improvement.

Our experience with tax-exempt bonds

The attorneys at Caritas Law Group have worked on countless publicly offered and privately placed tax-exempt bond transactions throughout the nation.

Since 2016, Ashley I. Spear, Esq. has served as borrower’s counsel or special local counsel on charter school revenue bond issues totaling more than $573 million in Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, and Florida.

Tax-exempt bond financings often have complicated tax issues related to private use of financed facilities, management and service contracts, and 501(c)(3) tax status. Ellis M. Carter, Esq. has over 26 years’ experience in federal tax issues, which allows us to provide cost-effective, proactive, and strategic legal solutions for tax-related matters.

Our bond services for charter schools

Borrower’s counsel services may include, but are not limited to, the following legal services:

What services does your charter school need?

We will determine the appropriate scope of legal services and fees after consultation with you. Our fee is based on the complexity and size of the proposed financing and our experience regarding the level of documentation and counsel that will be required for the nature of your transaction.

The tax-exempt bond process


Let us help your charter school with the tax-exempt bond process.

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