Nonprofit Law Simplified


We serve nonprofits of all types and sizes, offering creative legal advice grounded in over 20 years of specialized experience in nonprofit law.

In addition to serving a wide variety of nonprofit organizations, our clients also include donors making significant or complex gifts, businesses forming foundations for cause-marketing campaigns, and nonprofit founders considering the best philanthropic vehicle to meet their needs.

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CharityLawyer Blog offers plain language explanations of complex nonprofit law concepts, discussions of current events and links to valuable resources for nonprofits.

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  • Election Season – What All 501(c)(3)s Need to Know

    Election seasons provide unique opportunities for 501(c)(3) organizations to engage with public policy issues and influence civic dialogue. During this period, candidates are more receptive to advocacy efforts, presenting a chance for 501(c)(3)s to highlight important issues and give a voice to the underrepresented. However, there are strict legal constraints that all 501(c)(3) organizations must

  • Trademarks: The Dilution Doctrine

    Trademark laws are designed to prevent consumer confusion and protect the rights of businesses. Among the various facets of trademark law, the dilution doctrine plays a crucial role in safeguarding the distinctiveness and prestige of well-known marks. Unlike typical trademark infringement claims, which focus on consumer confusion, the dilution doctrine centers on the preservation of

  • Section 527 Segregated Funds

    Tax-exempt organizations not prohibited from engaging in political campaign activities have the option of conducting such activity through a distinct, segregated fund within their organization. Doing so allows the organization to avoid tax on its political expenditures. These so-called 527 funds will be treated as a separate entity, with the funds’ earnings and expenditures not