Nonprofit Law Simplified


We serve nonprofits of all types and sizes, offering creative legal advice grounded in over 20 years of specialized experience in nonprofit law.

In addition to serving a wide variety of nonprofit organizations, our clients also include donors making significant or complex gifts, businesses forming foundations for cause-marketing campaigns, and nonprofit founders considering the best philanthropic vehicle to meet their needs.

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Free Guides for your Nonprofit Organization

CharityLawyer Blog offers plain language explanations of complex nonprofit law concepts, discussions of current events and links to valuable resources for nonprofits.

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  • The Washington Charitable Solicitations Act

    Like many jurisdictions, Washington regulates charitable donation solicitations. In Washington, charitable solicitation rules are codified in the Charitable Solicitations Act, Chapter 19.09 of the Revised Code of Washington (the “Act”). The Act aims to promote transparency, protect consumers, and build trust and confidence in organizations soliciting funds from the public for charitable purposes. The Act

  • Ballot Measure Advocacy

    501(c)(3)s can play a significant role in shaping public policy around issues related to their exempt purposes. Advocacy can take many forms, including educating the public, encouraging civic engagement, and supporting initiatives that align with the 501(c)(3)’s mission. One key area of potential involvement is through ballot measure advocacy. Ballot measure advocacy can be a

  • Nonprofit Domestications

    The state in which you incorporate your nonprofit organization is called the nonprofit’s state of domicile. Sometimes nonprofits may determine that moving to a new state is the best option for continuing their work. Common reasons for moving include a change in physical location, increasing regulatory burdens, and a lack of meaningful connection to the